Trigger Finger2024-05-02T12:13:48+00:00

Trigger Finger

Trigger Finger

Recognising the Symptoms of Trigger Finger

Trigger Finger

Getting that annoying clicking or locking sensation in your finger or thumb? Pain in your finger or thumb when you use it too much? It could be a trigger finger or thumb. Don’t worry, there are solutions. I offer a range of treatments, including injections in clinic and I’m the only surgeon in the UK currently performing a minimally invasive ultrasound-guided technique that can get you back to doing the things you love even more quickly than traditional techniques. Let’s talk about how to get those fingers moving smoothly again.

Understanding Trigger Finger

Trigger finger (or thumb) occurs when a nodule or thickening within a tendon sheath prevents smooth gliding of the flexor tendons. It leads to:

  • Symptoms: Painful catching, popping, or locking sensation of the finger or thumb, usually worse with bending. Sometimes stiffness and a bump at the base of the affected digit.
  • Causes: Often without a clear cause but is linked to repetitive hand use and certain medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes.
  • Treatment: Ranges from rest, splinting, injections, to minimally invasive release procedures for persistent cases.

Don’t let a stuck finger limit your hand function. Let’s discuss the best treatment approach for your trigger finger.

Trigger Finger FAQs

Imagine your finger has a strong cord inside called a tendon, which helps it bend. This cord needs to glide smoothly within a little tunnel. With trigger finger, that tunnel gets a bit narrower, causing the tendon to get stuck or catch. This is why your finger might feel stiff, or even make a clicking or popping sound when you try to move it.

Sometimes, we’re not entirely sure why trigger finger happens. It might be related to how often you use your hands, certain health conditions, or just the way your hands are naturally built. It’s okay to be unsure about the cause – the important thing is we focus on relieving your discomfort.

Does your finger feel stiff, especially in the morning? Is there a bit of pain at the base, perhaps with a clicking or popping when you bend and straighten it? Or worst of all, does it get stuck in a bent position? These are all common signs of trigger finger, and I know how frustrating they can be.

In some cases, trigger finger can improve with rest and avoiding activities that irritate it. However, if it’s causing you significant pain or disrupting your daily life, don’t hesitate to seek help. There are several treatments that can bring you much-needed relief.

Gentle hand and finger exercises might help ease stiffness and improve your range of motion. It’s always a good idea to discuss which exercises are best suited for you, as we want to make sure you’re doing them in a way that promotes healing rather than causing further irritation.

Think of a splint as a cozy support for your finger. It helps it rest in a comfortable position, reducing strain and allowing inflammation to calm down. Splints can be especially helpful at night when you might accidentally bend your finger in your sleep.

Sometimes, a special anti-inflammatory medication delivered right to the problem area can greatly reduce swelling. This helps the tendon glide more smoothly again. It’s understandable to be a little nervous about injections, but they can offer real relief.

I know the word “surgery” might sound a bit scary. But if nonsurgical options haven’t helped you enough, the procedure involved for trigger finger is minor. It aims to simply give that tendon a little more space, restoring your finger’s smooth movement.

Most people experience pretty quick relief after surgery and soon begin exercises to help them regain full flexibility. You’ll be guided through every step of this process.

Although you might get trigger finger in more than one finger, it doesn’t directly spread from one affected finger to another. There might be an underlying reason making you more prone to developing it.

There can definitely be some overlap in how trigger finger and arthritis feel, with both causing pain and stiffness. By discussing the specifics of your symptoms in detail, we can pinpoint the likely cause and create a tailored treatment plan.

 It’s true that people with diabetes might be at a slightly higher risk for developing trigger finger. While we might not be able to change that, we can absolutely work together to manage the condition and find ways to reduce discomfort.

While trigger finger is less common in children, it can definitely happen, especially affecting their thumbs. Treatments will be carefully adjusted to be safe and effective for their age.

Seeking help from a specialized hand surgeon or an orthopedic doctor who focuses on hand issues is a great step toward resolving your trigger finger concerns. Your primary care doctor can assist with recommendations.

Having quick access to care is important! Your doctor can provide referrals, and there are online resources specifically for finding medical providers who specialize in hand conditions. Remember, you’re not alone in this. Let’s find the best treatment options near you.a

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